Unfortunately, due to forecasted rain on Saturday, the Fall Festival will be canceled. The rain date of Sunday, October 8th is also canceled.
For the second year in a row, the Historical Society of Stillwater Township and The Stillwater Recreation Commission will team up to sponsor the 17th annual Fall Festival! This year’s Fall Festival will have more vendors, more entertainment and more games for the kids! The day will begin with a parade, the Academy Museum and the Stillwater Grist Mill will be open for tours, as well as vendors, games and hayrides. Please mark your calendars to join your neighbors and enjoy fall in Stillwater! Fall Festival is scheduled for Saturday October 7th, 2023, from 11:00am to 4:30pm and will be held at Stillwater Township School. Admission is free!
Interested in becoming a Vendor? Click below to download the Vendor Application: