Mission Statement
Since its organization in 1977, the mission of the Historical Society of Stillwater Township has been to foster and promote an interest in the Stillwater area history through education and preservation of family information, cemetery records, artifacts, sites and structures and maintain a historical and genealogical library and museum.
The Historical Society of Stillwater Township meets the third Saturday of every month
(March – December) at 10:00am at the Academy, 900 Main Street, Stillwater NJ.
Current Officers
President: Deborah Drumm
Vice President: Teri Martin
Treasurer: Rob Jacoby
Recording Secretary: Phyllis McGeehan
Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Burton
Board of Trustees
Paul Cousey
Roy Knutsen
Andy Martin
Lou Sylvester
Dimitri Gatanas
All residents and friends of the historic preservation of the Stillwater area are welcome to participate in meetings, attend events and become members! Membership dues are as follows:
Our membership brochure can also be downloaded here and mailed to:
Historical Society of Stillwater Township
PO Box 238
Stillwater, NJ 07875
The Historical Society of Stillwater Township is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
Read HSST’s bylaws.
Genealogy Research Fee
An annual research fee of $30 entitles members to have access to digitalized genealogy files that are organized according to last names (family names.) The fee covers five hours of research with a genealogist at HSST.
Visiting Hours
June-October, The first Sunday of the month from 2pm–4pm OR by appointment.
900 Main Street
PO Box 238
Stillwater, NJ 07875
Parking available at the Presbyterian Church across the street
Visiting the Area?
Check out some of these local businesses and attractions!
Fine Dining
Grab a Bite
Outdoor Fun
Visiting Hours
June-September, Sundays from 2pm–4pm OR by appointment.
900 Main Street
PO Box 238
Stillwater, NJ 07875
Parking available at the Presbyterian Church across the street
Visiting the Area?
Check out some of these local businesses and attractions!